Daily Staff Journal  10-Aug-66


Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.


1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ
2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ


2/14th,  S-3
Location:  Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400  10 Aug 66







Received patrol plan from 4/9


Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp.  All negative contact.

15 0738 Dragon 6 requested to know where his chopper is.  Lt. Muir called Bde, they reported chopper wasn't in yet due to weather conditions, will call when it arrives.
18 0800 Cannon 50: C&C ship is available and is airborne
19 0814 DL5: All elements are on outpost haven't made contact with elements on left
24 0908 DL5: Still haven't made contact with elements on my right
28 1055 Dragon C6: We're now on PL PASS, will break for chow and move again in 30 minutes
29 1112 Dragon L5:  Sitrep - Neg contact, have made contact with unit on right
31 1136 Message Center to S-3:  Received distribution for S-2, S-3.  Ambush and Patrol Plan from 4/23 Inf, FRAGO 36-66 from 4/9 Inf, Confidential SPHINX INTSUM #101 from 1st Bde, Imagery Interpretation Report #88
33 1155 Dragon 3: Have the Artillery LNO report to my location
36 1310 C6: Searching two houses location unknown at this time XT 171485 approx.
37 1353 C6: Found one fragmentation bomb - ours, am going to blow in place
42 1445 3: Going on Recon flight
45 1415 1 VC Poss KIA - witnessed by Arty LNO
47 1754 Entac Plt: Sitrep negative.  Request to know when I can come to C.P., can return at 1830
49 1820 S-3: S&A platoon was notified to stay in position until further notification
50 1840 S-3: S&A was relieved from outpost and returned to Base Camp
55 1910 Patrol 1 leaving friendly front lines (FFL)
56 1817 Delayed Entry: Msg Content - 3 received 2 copies of frag ord #37 HQ 1st Bde and ambush patrol plan 4/9th Inf at 1817 hrs.  Also the challenge and password for period 13 Aug to 19 Aug 66 were received.
63 2055 B Co listening post XT172513 spotted three shadows coming from village to their front.  People heard the OP and went back into the village.  B Co is arming OP with shoutguns and sending OP back out.


1st Brigade,  S2-S3
Location:  Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400  10 Aug 66







Msg from G3:  2 VC Bns are loc Vic XT 340130, moving to attack Phuoc Hiep (XT 5517) sometime during daylight hours.  They are reported wearing ARVN uniforms.  Village Chief has been given illumination to keep VC in sight.  ARVN Rating, B-3



Rec info from G3 that ARVN units will be operating on both sides of the Highway between Cu Chi and Trang Bang

17 0530 2/14 patrol 2 leaving ambush site
18 0540 2/14 patrol 1 closed BC
20 0605 2/14 patrol 2 closed BC
38 0816 2/14 Outposts in psn 0814
43 0900 Bde S-5 rpts that Tay Ninh Chief of Security stated the VC plans are to infiltrate unit areas & emplace mines & claymores wepaons.  One incident (claymore) occurred on night of 08 Aug in front of B 4/9.
52 1058 C/2/14 at PL PASS, stopped for chow, will move in 30 miinutes
72 1635 2/14 S3 spotted susp VC running through woods at XT213393, fired M-16 from helicopter, 1 VC KIA Poss
80 1915 2/14 Patrol 1 dptd 1907
84 2000 2/14 Patrol 2 dptd
85 2025 2/14 Patrol 1 in psn
87 2103 2/14 Patrol 2 in psn
94 2140 588th Eng had grenade go off in trash barrel, in checking found several more grenades scattered about area - 1 man slightly wounded, sandbags placed around grenades, EOD team this station in AM



2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment:  Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: February 28, 2008