Daily Staff Journal  28-Dec-66


Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.


1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ


1st Brigade,  S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400  28-Dec-66







3/22 S-2 elements departed for village at XS906828.



3/22 S-2 and element returned to Bn base with 1 male detainee.

7 0310 4/9 reports LRRP reports a motorized sampan moving southeast from XS683853.
10 0505 LRRP reports motorized sampan on canal moving southeast along canal.
17 0835 3rd Airborne Bn ARVN element picked up 5 detainees vic XS776834.
18 0910 1st Bde LNO at Tan An reported VC ambush sprung on platoon of ARVN troops vic XS565711.  5 ARVN WIA's.  VC fled to the north with ARVN troops in pursuit.
22 1000 C/4/9 patrol DEEP closed base at 0950.  Ref the ambush that was sprung on 5 VC vic XS757773 at 272050 hrs.  The patrol conducted a search of the area before returning to base, but found nothing but a dead water buffalo.
23 1005 B/2/14 apprehended one male suspect who had medicine and medical instruments and claimed to be a doctor.  He was returned to Bn base.  He was questioned by MI and found to be a doctor.  This was verified by village Chief (Rach Kien).  At 0945 hrs another male suspect was apprehended.  He had on his person a letter on Popular Control and also VC literature.  Being sent to Bn base for interrogation.
25 1100 B/2/14 loc vic XS742694 at 1035 hrs.  The 3rd platoon B/2/14 was approached by a wounded Vietnamese (wound was sustained by VC booby trap), he was sent to village where MEDCAP is being conducted.
26 1200 Ref Item 25:  Wounded man was Buddhist Priest and was treated at 2/14 aid station and evac to Tan An by C&C shop.  Entac and Recon platoons providing security for Engr element for road work closed at 2/14 base with Engr element at 1110 hrs.
29 1303 LRRP patrol spotted 1 sampan moving south vic XS691862 with 3 personnel with AW and two bags of rice aboard.
31 1320 LRRP reports 1 sampan with 5 personnel aboard armed with rifles, hand grenades and American pistols loc vic XS682853.  Requested gunships be sent to engage.  Also 1 sampan with 2 personnel aboard same time same loc.  Sampans moving southeast on canal.
33 1420 At 1400 hrs C/3/22 picked up 9 detainees vic XS867757 and 6 camouflaged positions and unknown nbr of expended ammo rounds, caliber unk., discovered at same location.  The company was airlifted into LZ vic 866756 at 1300 hrs.
36 1455 C/3/22 reports that the 9 detainees that were picked up (Ref Item 33) stated that the village vic XS867758 hd 25 VC in it last night and all but 3 left last night.  The three that remained fled when C/3/22 was airlifted in.
38 1610 C/3/22 at 1600 prep for extraction, started receiving 60mm mortar fire and SA (carbine type) from northwest of their position.  Still in contact.
39 1640 S-2 2/14 received info from a teenage boy of 13 years old that 2 VC Company size elements at following loc XS725689 and XS729695.  Request visual recon of area.  Recon made, neg sightings.
44 1825 Ref Item 38:  C/3/22 started extraction, the remainder of element started receiving sniper fire.
45 1905 Delayed Entry:  A/4/9 picked up 1 detainee who is a confirmed VC.  Patrol making arrangements to try to have person evacuated back to B/C for further interrogation and evac.
51 2045 2/14 PRU 3 and 4 at 2025 heard VC movement and also seen giving signals with red flashlight at vic XS737693.  Called Arty fire, results unk.
55 2345 LRRP spotted a platoon of VC at vic 680852.  Bringing in Arty fire, results unk.
57 2400 SUMMARY:  1st Bde continues opn FAIRFAX (4/9 Inf and 3/22 Inf) and LANIKAI (2/14 Inf).  ASCC's remain established at Ben Luc, Binh Chanh, Tan An, Rach Kien, Nha Be, and Gia Dinh.  4/9 Inf stood down and completed plan for a joint BUDDY opn on 29 Dec 66.  C & B Co continue construction on RF/PF outposts.  2/14 Inf continued construction of base camp and improvement of the road between Binh Chanh and Rach Kien.  3/22 Inf A Co continues the village search opn vic XS683800.  C Co conducted Eagle flight into vic XS867757.
PLANS SUMMARY:  4/9 Inf Co A conduct airmobile assault into LZ 1, XS810736 at H-hour conduct river CHECKMATE.  Co B occupies ambush pos CAT XS773758.  During evening of 28 Dec 66 H-hour companies will occupy ambush position DOG, XS776765, RAT XS778769, PIG XS780770 and HEN XS793770.  Co C and 2 Co's 3rd Airborne conduct airmobile into LZ 2,3,4, at H-hour conduct search in zone.  2/46th occupies blocking position from XS775756 to XS800745.  131st RF Co occupies blocking position XS800770 and XS804768.  Scout Co 46th ARVN searches XS818724 and XS810730.  2/14 Co A conduct combat assault on LZ XS729678, dispatch platoon size patrol to block at site Nbr 1 XS729676 while company conducts sweep to PF BLUE XS725672 and return to base camp along assigned route.  Co B will assume responsibility for B/C defense.  Co C will conduct combat assault on LZ XS729678, send out platoon size patrol to block at site 2 XS723679 while Co (-) conducts sweep to PL BLUE and return to B/C on order.  3/22 Inf:  Co A will continue Eagle flights into AO RAT vic XS8875.  Co B DS of 5th Airborne Co, Co C on standby reaction force for Co A.  51st Co will conduct saturation patrols and night ambushes in AO HORSE.



2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment:  Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 18, 2008