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Operation Fort Smith 3-Jun-66 to 3-Jul-66 |
Operation Fort Smith was planned as a battalion size Search and Destroy mission, to provide pacification operations over an extended period (3-4 weeks), and was geared to win over the local populace and undermine VC influence in the Trang Bang area. This is an After Action report of that operation. This After Action Report has been reproduced to appear like the original.
APO San Francisco 96225
AVTLFBB 19 July 1966
SUBJECT: Combat Operations After Action Report MACV (RCS/J3/32)
THRU: Commanding Officer
1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division
APO 96225TO: Commander
US Military Assistance Command, Vietnam
ATTN: J343
APO US Forces 962431. Name or Identity and/or Type of Operation:
a. Operation FORT SMITH.
b. Search and Destroy; Pacification.
2. Dates of Operation:
03 June to 03 July 1966.
3. Location:
Hau Nghia Province in area bounded by XT-465233, XT-560233, XT-490140 and XT-570135. (Majority area of operations in the Trang Bang District).
4. Control Headquarters:
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry vic AP AN Binh (XT-515193).
5. Reporting Officer:
CO, 2d Battalion, 14th Infantry (Lt Col Shultz, Commanding)
6. Task Organization:
CO, A 2/14 Inf (Capt Norberg, Capt McQuillen)
CO, B 2/14 Inf (Lt. Muir, Capt Williams)
CO, C 2/14 Inf (Capt Turner)
Engr Sqd A/65th Engr (SSG Turner, SSG Forest)
3A 3/4 Cav (Lt Appler) (25-29 Jun)
2B 3/4 Cav (Lt Kyle, Lt Conner) (5-10 Jun, 19-25 Jun)
3B 3/4 Cav (Lt Miller) (3 Jun-5 Jun, 10 Jun-19 Jun)
1A 3/4 Cav (Lt Spielman) (29-3Jul)
VHF Team, B/125th Signal
Radio Team, 1st Bde
MID Team, 25th Inf Div
7. Supporting Forces: Supporting forces included direct support artillery by B Btry, 7/11 Arty from 3 June 66 to 3 July 66. A Btry, 7/11th Arty reinforced the fires of B Btry, 7/11th Arty from 17 June 66 to 21 June 66. 3/13th Arty provided general support from 3 June 66 to 3 July 66. 7th USAF provided tactical air on 20 minute ground alert but was not utilized during the operation. Army aviation support from 25th Aviation Bn, 145th Aviation Bn, a/82 Avn Co., and 13th AVN Bn greatly contributed to the success of operation FORT SMITH by providing Command and Control aircraft, light and heavy gun teams for combat operations and daily resupply aircraft. All aviation units that supported our operations did an outstanding job in coordination and execution of all airmobile operations conducted. Trang Bang District Chief supported TF 2/14 Inf with an attachment of 4 National Policemen for employment during Search and Destroy operations, pacification operations and night ambushes. There were also 3 MEDCAP personnel and equipment provided from the Trang Bang District for pacification and MEDCAP operations. Intelligence and Vietnamese Information Service personnel were provided to support TF 2/14th Inf operations to search and interrogate civilians for intelligence information. Their overall effectiveness was outstanding. Intelligence information provided by the district chief was timely and accurate. The VIS (Psy War Team) personnel were responsive and effective in the operations conducted. The US Advisors and Government Representatives at Trang Bang district also provided support during operations by using squad and platoon PF and RF forces in blocking positions to seal off the objective areas.
8. Intelligence:
a. Intelligence Prior to Operations:
VC Activity within the operations area was generally concentrated along Highway 1. Since 1 May 66, the area, vic XT490190, XT530225, XT525188, XT502250 was the scene of numerous anti-aircraft and mine incidents. Most VC fortifications observed during visual reconnaissance and interpretation of aerial photographs were also located in the same area. The Trang Bang Company (AKA B85) strength 80, normally operates with 5 mile radius of district of Trang Bang. The C54 company was last reported at XT475345. The C120 (LF) company was reported operating in the Southwest corner of the operational area, it's strength estimated 50-120 personnel. The C50 company (LF) was reported at XT532218, (B/2 evaluation). The 320 LF Bn was also operating in the area.
b. Enemy Situation During Operation:
Throughout the entire operation, the VC activity consisted of sniper and harassing small arms fire. Mines both AP and AT, booby traps, claymore type weapons, 60mm mortars and hand grenade incidents were numerous. The enemy operated in units smaller than company size. Units of squad size and smaller were common in the area of operations. VC units indicated to be in the area of operations were the 491st company and the 132nd company. These units were operating in the area from XT4915 to XT5715. The 2nd Bn 165A was reported at vic XT400210, XT560200. The 1st Bn 165A was reported vic XT575270. A Bn size unit (possibly the 320th) was reported at vic XT525245. Also an unidentified VC company with an attached guerrilla platoon was reported at vic XT569248, XT569244, XT575248, and XT575244.
c. Terrain and Weather:
(1) The terrain is generally flat, marshy and soft. There are several heavily wooded areas within the area of operations. But mostly the area consists of thick hedgerows with clearings in which peanuts, sugar cane, or rice are planted. These hedgerows offered the enemy good cover and concealment as well as fields of fire, when friendly troops were on the approach march. Vegetation is ideal for VC guerrilla tactics. There were no major obstacles for foot troops; however during heavy rains the Cau Truong Chua river on the west side of the area of operations became untrafficable for foot troops and vehicles. Trafficability for wheeled vehicles is poor. APC's could still move in selected routes over rice paddy areas.
(2) The weather during the operation was fair for foot troops. Heavy rains made secondary roads impassible to vehicles. Generally it was hot and humid in the mornings and cloudy and rainy in the evenings. Weather was generally favorable for air support in the morning and fair to poor in the afternoon and evenings, commencing about 1400 hours daily.
d. Fortifications: No major fortifications were found within the area of operations. Fortifications consisted of trench systems, spider holes and a few tunnels which were not elaborate.
e. Psy War: The evaluation of the population and their attitude in hamlets and villages within the AO of the 2/14th Inf was improved because of the active and continuous Psy War program employed. The District Chief of Trang Bang District coordinated the activities of his VIS (Vietnamese Information Service), his intelligence personnel, loud speaker systems, aircraft available, and his personal appearance to talk to villagers. The most significant success was in the village of AP AN PHU. The village area of AP AN PHU XT510168 has over 1000 families and a total of 3448 persons living in the area. The district chief described the area as being a rich community where the majority of the people are educated. He described the VC activity in the area as being active in the realm of gathering supplies and foodstuffs to ship north. He described the people as accepting the VC because they had no choice in the matter, due to fear and intimidation. The people were happy to be able to continue their farming and therefore tolerated the VC. The VC propaganda directed that the people would leave the village every time the government forces attempted an operation in the area. This permitted the VC to conceal themselves among the people allowing them to escape. Also, the propaganda described the government as being corrupt and the Americans as animals who would slaughter people, rape, burn homes, and destroy crops. Our operations, conducted in the AP AN PHU area were deliberate plans coordinated with the Trang Bang District Chief to win over the people of AP AN PHU to the government. This was accomplished first by a ground operation to eliminate any VC forces, and to orient the troops on the terrain. The second and third operations in the area were mainly to educate the people concerning their government, and the policies and purpose of the Americans being here. Education of the people was accomplished by leaflets being air-dropped, the district chief making personal contact with the people on the ground, and the VIS making speeches to the people. In conjunction with these efforts, Helping Hand material was passed out and the Bn Surgeon conducted MEDCAP in the area. All of these actions created a positive win for the government as illustrated by the actions of the people during the last heliborne operation in AP AN PHU. Operations were conducted in AP AN PHU on 13 June 66, 21 June 66, 24 June 66, and 2 July 66. On 2 July 66, when TF 2/14th Inf conducted a heliborne operation in AP AN PHU, the people were reacting as the District chief desired. Only 10% of the people evacuated the area. Most of the people remained at home, and those in the fields continued their work. The people spoke freely and offered information as to when, where, and the number of VC in the area, and the location of booby traps and mines. Some families told of the VC instructing them to leave and that they had refused, saying "Every time we go, rice and valuables are missing when we return. We will stay". The VC prior to operation FORT SMITH had a strong hold on the people in AP AN PHU. As a result of our operations in the AO, the VC hold over the people was relinquished. This fact was made evident by two families that requested to be relocated in new life hamlets in the Trang Bang District. The success in employment of Psy War operations cannot be under-estimated. The attitudes of the people is now oriented to the government. The villagers now have a clearer understanding of their government and the purpose of Americans in Vietnam due to the education and influence exerted through the Trang Bang District Chief.
9. Mission:
TF 2/14 conducted tactical motor march to AO 030800 June 66 and established Bn base camp to interdict VC lines of communication; conducts S&D of VC forces, bases and supplies; establishes liaison with US Advisory team Trang Bang District; conducts combined opns with ARVN forces; assist in pacification of AO; provides wire, pickets and technical assistance on installations to PF and RF units in AO.
10. Concept of Operation:
TF 2/14th Inf conducts S&D operations vic AP AN BINH, Trang Bang District (XT515193) for approximately three weeks commencing 030800 June 1966. TF 2/14 conducts tactical motor march from Base Camp (Cu Chi) to establish a Bn base vic XT515193 (AP AN BINH). TF 2/14th will establish liaison with local District Chief through the US Advisors and conduct patrols, security, pacification operations, Psy war missions and a positive civic action program.
11. Execution:
(3 June 66)
2/14th Inf received 1st Bde OPORD 7-66 (Operation FORT SMITH) dtd 010800 H June 1966, planned the execution of the mission and issued TF 2/14th Inf OPORD 6-66 (Operation FORT SMITH) dtd 012200 June 66 to conduct a tactical motor march from base camp to the RP (XT514189) commencing 030900 June 66. TF consisted of A 2/14, C 2/14, Recon Plat, Mort Plat, 1 short range Radar Tm, Security and Assault Plat, 3rd Plat B Trp 3/4 Cav, 1 Squad A 1/65th Engr, VHF Tm B/125 Signal, Radio Tm 1st Bde, MID Tm 25th Inf Div and 8 National Policemen attached. Upon arrival RP, A 2/14 with attachments cleared Bn base vic XT515197 and established a defensive perimeter with CP locations as follows: Co A - XT514196, Co C - XT516198, B 7/11 Arty - XT519198, HHC - XT515196 and Bn CP XT515197. Companies of the 2/14th Inf rotated in AO, but CP locations remained generally the same throughout the operation. Upon closing Bn base area, A 2/14 reported sniper small arms and rifle grenades in their area from vic XT513199 on or about 031520 June 66. A 2/14 returned fire and VC withdrew to Northwest. No casualties were reported for friendly or VC. 4 VCS were picked up vic XT 515190 without proper identification on or about 031030 June 66. These were turned over to Trang Bang District Chief, later discovered to be detainees only. 031800 June 66 Bn base received sniper small arms firing and 2 rounds 60mm mortar at XT521196 no casualties reported. Sniper fire was received from XT514200, fire was returned with small arms. VC sniper was silenced. No casualties were reported. TF 2/14 Inf dispatched five (5) ambush patrols at 032000 June 66. A 2/14 patrol reported VC followed ambush patrol for 200-250 meters and disappeared. No contacts established by ambush patrols. 032351 June 66, C 2/14 reported 3 rds carbine fire from XT521201. Returned fire silenced VC snipers. No casualties reported. 040430 June 66, C 2/14 reported 3 rds carbine fire from XT515200. Returned fire. VC silenced. No casualties reported. All ambush patrols closed Bn base 040735 June 66. Recon Plat reported road cleared with mine detector from Bn base to Hi-way #1 effective 040735 June 66.
(4 June 66)
TF 2/14th Inf conducted S&D operations vic XT515210 (AP AN THOI) 040915 June 66, with elements of the 3/4 Cav Plat blocking from the North vic XT515213 and A 2/14 and C 2/14 S&D from South (XT505193) to North (XT515213). Two VCS were captured vic XT516198 by C 2/14 040945 June 66. VCS turned over to MID vic Bn base. 041050 June 66, C 2/14 reported bunker located XT521212 unoccupied destroyed with demolitions. 041054 June 66, A 2/14 reported VC aid station abandoned with 2 lbs of medicine. Turned in medicine to Bn base medics - tunnel (aid station) destroyed in place (XT515205). National Police with A 2/14 advise burning all homes of farmers with incriminating equipment such as signs, medicine, ammunitions, pictures of known VC and VC small arms fire. Houses were located general vicinity of AP AN THOI. 041230 Recon Plat cleared 200 meters forward of perimeter. Recon Plat reported people were departing their homes leaving hot meals on tables also extensive tunnel systems were located in the area of homes. Recon Plat received sniper fire (carbine) from XT529197 at 041317 June 66. Returned fire with automatic wpns & small arms. Snipers silenced. All elements closed Bn base 041432 June 66. 042250 C 2/14 ambush patrol vic XT525206 reported VC following them. Hasty ambush set for VC. No further sightings of VC. 042331 June 66, C 2/14 patrol reported one round mortar 60mm mortar fired to their front vic XT525206. No casualties reported.
(5 June 66)
Operation Frag order #1 for "FORT SMITH" direct TF 2/14th Inf to S&D in vic XA LAM VO (1) (XT530218) and leave a stay behind ambush in objective area vic XT531219. Co "C" moved from Bn base 050400 to block obj from the North vic XT533223. 050430 A 2/14 ambush patrol captured one VCS vic XT525213 on bicycle. 050545 C 2/14 reports hearing voices and carts moving out of the village XA LAM VO (1) north. C 2/14 secured blocking positions North of obj at 050640 June 66. Artillery and 4.2 blocked the west (XT528228) of obj w/fires. A 2/14 reported civilians in obj area claim 25 VC were there last night but departed the area prior to our arrival. C 2/14 received 2 rounds small arms sniper fire from XT547224. C 2/14 returned fire and maneuvered foot troops against location. VC withdrew. 051200 Recon Plat 1/4 ton vehicle destroyed by mine XT518207, 3 men injured. Wounded men air evacuated to Cu Chi. Recon Plat discovered small arms cache in house XT517207. House burned and ammo cache destroyed in place. A 2/14 stay behind ambush reported killing one VC with small arms fire 051617 June 66 at XT542230. Ambush sprung by a National Police firing his pistol at range of 250 meters. Artillery, gun ships, and Cav Plat were utilized to kill and cause VC (estimated 25 armed men) to withdraw. Two VC KIA (BC) and three additional dead reported by ARVN intelligence next day. One (1) rifle (VC) captured and turned in to MID 051730 June 66. Reaction to the reported VC contact was immediate. The Bn Cmdr was airborne and positive radio contact established with ambush element. Artillery was directed from an airborne observer and a light gun team was employed in conjunction with a Cav Plat which maneuvered to block and sweep through the VC positions at XT537225 controlled by Bn Cmdr airborne. Stay behind ambush of A 2/14 closed Bn base 051730 June 66. No friendly casualties reported.
051930 June 66 TF 2/14 dispatched 5 ambush patrols with negative results. Radar PPS-4 reported 052040 June 66 3 or 4 persons and 1 bicycle moving from north to south 360 meters to 310 meters forward of perimeter vic XT526201. No further Radar sightings. 052115 June 66, A 2/14 perimeter spotted 3 VC with starlight devices and fired M79s. VC withdrew vic XT513200. 052345 June 66, B 7/11 Arty reported 4 rounds VC sniper small arms fire received at XT521201. Returned w/MG. Snipers silenced. No casualties reported. 060600 June 66 all patrols closed Bn base. Negative contact reported except that a VC or something follows patrols out of perimeter area for short distances. Follower seems to know when he is observed or heard and stops or disappears without being killed or captured.
(6 June 66)
Frag Order #2 is a heliborne operation to S&D vic AP BAO ME and XA BAO ME (XT505214) 3/4 Cav Plat and Recon Plat blocks from the East from XT511215 to XT509209 at 061200 June 66. C 2/14 is helifted at 061210 June 66 to block obj area from the North from XT505221 to XT510220. RF and PF forces would block west end of obj from XT498220 to XT494200 at 061200 June 66. A 2/14 maneuvered from South to North into obj area at 061320 June 66 S&D enroute. A 2/14 killed one water buffalo attacking soldier and civilians in area. One (1) US Soldier evacuated to Trang Bang. C 2/14 captured 3 VCS at XT505220 at 051250 June 66. A 2/14 captured 3 VCS vic XT501208 at 061355 June 66. 061545 June 66 B 7/11 Arty had three men cutting bamboo vic XT522200 who received sniper fires from house. Arty destroyed house with WP rounds. Dozer with A 2/14 filled in 450 meters of VC trench line vic XT508213 at 051548 June 66. All units closed Bn base 061801 June 66. Stay behind ambush located XT501204. TF 2/14 Inf dispatched 5 ambush patrols 061900 June 66. Ambush site at XT512194 recalled because close proximity to ARVN ambush site. (S&A Plat ambush returned Bn base 062130 June 66). No contacts made by ambush patrols. All patrols closed Bn base 070628 June 66.
Frag Order #3 TF 2/14 conducts S&D operations, vic AP AN THOI (XT515208) by blocking in the North with 3/4 Cav Plat XT515213 at 070815 June 66. S&A Plat and Recon Plat blocks from East at XT520202 and XT520205 at 070800. A 2/14 and C 2/14 will S&D from XT508195 North to XT516210. 3/4 Cav Plat received sniper fire from XT514217 at 070848 June 66. Cav maneuvered and returned fire. VC disappeared. C 2/14 reported one 81mm mortar round found at XT508196, destroyed in place with demolitions 070925 June 66. A 2/14 captured female VCS XT514202 June 66. 2 VC snipers engaged by Recon Plat and 3/4 Cav element 070929 June 66 vic XT513210. VC withdrew West with carbines slung over shoulders. C 2/14 destroyed 3 spider holes vic XT512206 071017 June 66. A 2/14 requested dozer use in his area to cover trench lines. Dozer arrived his location 071100 June 66, and hit a mine. Killed Capt Norberg, A Co Commander and Pfc Rivera of A Co 2/14. Both were standing alongside dozer. Mine damaged dozer blade and hydraulic lines. 3 other men wounded by blast of mine air evacuated to Cu Chi 071132 June 66. 071250 June 66, S&A Plat captured 2 VCS and received sniper fires from XT525206. S&A returned fire and VC withdrew North. C 2/14 observed 1 VC with rifle XT530204. Wounded VC with small arms but continued mission S&D South towards Bn base. 072000 June 66, TF 2/14 sent out 4 ambush sites with negative contact reported. Road to Hi-way #1 cleared w/mine detector by Recon Plat completed 080700 June 66.
(8 June 66)
8 June 66 - Frag order #4, TF 2/14 conducted S&D in AP TINH PHONG (XT535209 and XA LAM VO (2) (XT550221). A 2/14 moved on foot June 66, to block obj from the north, east and south vic XT550227, XT555224 and XT550219. 3/4 Cav Plat (-) moved from Bn base 080700 June 66, to block north vic XT541229. C 2/14 moved on foot from Bn base S&D enroute through obj AP TINH PHONG (XT535209) at 080700 June 66. A 2/14 reported automatic fire from VC sniper KIA one US soldier vic XT558225 at 080730 June 66. A 2/14 returned fire and VC withdrew Southeast into trench line. Artillery was directed into VC positions. Recon Plat captured one VCS vic XT514190 080700 June 66. VCS turned in to MID Bn base. Gun ships reported extensive trench lines vic XT569230 extending 1000 meters northwest. Gun ships unloaded ordinance into trench system prior to departure. 080820 June 66, 3/4 Cav Plat (-) reported 5 VC with wpns vic XT549235. VC taken under fire with automatic wpns from APC's at 250 meter range. VC disappeared moving North into jungle area. 080827 June 66, C 2/14 reported 8 VC moving South vic XT536199. VC disappeared into brush 700 meters away. C 2/14 fired on one VC 080849 June 66 at XT546214, results unknown. C 2/14 reported 400 lbs rice, 20 lbs salt found at XT548022. Vietnamese military intelligence personnel recommended destruction in place because it is VC cache. Cache destroyed in place. S&A Plat reported one US heat casualty vic XT550217 081310 June 66. TF 2/14 dispatched four (4) ambush patrols at 081900 June 66. 081935 June 66, C 2/14 ambush patrol captured one (1) VCS at XT528221 and received sniper fire from XT526214. Patrol returned fire and called artillery. VC withdrew East. All ambush patrols closed Bn base 090605 June 66. 090750 June 66, Recon Plat completed road clearing operation from Bn base to Hi-way #1.
(9 June 66)
TF 2/14 conducted (Frag order #5) civic action operation in coordinating with Trang Bang District Chief in XA CAY CAU (XT514188) during the morning and XA AN DUC (XT532180) in the afternoon. Operations area was secured by one rifle company and 2 APCs and one (1) 2 1/4 ton trk were utilized to transport medical supplies and helping hand material. S&A Plat secured helping hand (S-5) and medcap activities concurrently. Psy War leaflets and speeches presented by District Chief and Vietnamese Information Services kept the people orderly and informed. Each area received Medcap, Helping Hand material, and Psy-war lectures for approximately 2 hours beginning 090900 June 66. 091149 June 66 Bn base received 30 rounds sniper fire from vic XT511195. One US WIA evacuated to Cu Chi by air. Defensive concentrations fired vic XT520192 by Arty FO injured 2 civilians Nguyen-Thi-Na (53 year old woman) and Tran-Van-Duong (56 year old man-husband). Two civilians evacuated to Trang Bang then to Saigon by air. TF 2/14 dispatched 4 night ambush positions at 091930 June 66. 100002 June 66 ground surveillance reported 5 persons moving towards perimeter vic XT519200. Target engaged with M79 and small arms. 5 VC possible KIA. 100618 June 66 all patrols return Bn base with negative results. 100637 June 66, Recon Plat cleared road to hi-way #1 with mine detector.
(10 June 66)
Frag order #6 directed TF 2/14 to Search and Destroy in and along the Cau Truong Chua river from XT501193 to XT513220 100800 June 66. (10) picket stations blocked on west bank of river utilizing minimum 4 man positions from XT508218 to XT505203. (9) picket stations blocked on east bank of river from XT513215 to XT508195. A 3/4 Cav Plat reaction force west of river vic XT504207 and a tank section reaction force with recon Plat vic Bn base. 100740 June 66, C 2/14 reported 4 VC at XT507212 carrying bags and moving towards river. C 2/14 reported sniper fire from XT510218 at 100745 June 66. Returned fire and VC withdrew east towards river. C 2/14 continued to blocking position and VC withdrew north. 100845 June 66 S&A Plat in water searching north in river with C 2/14 (-) on his left and A 2/14 on his right. A 2/14 spotted 5 VC with weapons headed north 100855 June 66 at XT513213. C 2/14 picket station 4 reported 2 VC at XT507228 100925 June 66. A 2/14 picket station #2 reported 2 VC with weapons and wounded one w/small arms and attempted to move in on other VC at XT514212 100951 June 66, A 2/14 at picket station #2 heard squad size element maneuvering around its east. A 2/14 picket station #2 heard movement on flanks of its position. 101040 June 66 S&A Plat killed one VC in river XT508206. A 2/14 picket station #2 receiving fire from 4 sides. Reaction force (3 tanks and Recon Plat) sent mounted to assist. A 2/14 picket station #2 1 VC KIA and 1 US WIA XT509218 101130 June 66. Picket station 1, 2, and 3 of A 2/14 joined together at picket station #2 and fought off VC squad surrounding picket station #2. C 2/14 reported capturing 4 VC's vic XT505208. A 2/14 picket station #2 reported 7 VC KIA (BC) 3 VC WIA, captured 1 pistol belt, 1 magazine, 3 rds ammo one hand grenade at XT514212 101300 June 66. A 2/14 reported one (1) VC WIA XT512219 101325 June 66. A 2/14 reported (1) VC WIA at XT511205 with small arms, VC disappeared into underbrush 101340 June 66. 13 VC's released by district chief representative vic XT505208 at 101440 June 66. The people were farmers from XA BAO ME. A VC captured by district chief on earlier operations led C 2/14 to alleged cache but nothing was found. 20 VC's released 101730 June 66 vic XT505208. District chief representative identified people as farmers. All elements closed Bn base 101800 June 66. TF 2/14 dispatched 4 ambush sites at 102100 June 66. Negative results from ambush patrols. All patrols closed in Base 110625 June 66.
(11 June 66)
On 11 June 66 TF 2/14 Inf was given eagle flight mission to search and destroy in vicinity of AP DUONG TRAN NHO (XT551193) with one rifle company plus attached 3/4 Cav Plat. A 2/14 conducted helilift 110835 June 66 to XT551193, S&D in area with VCC informers to located VC equipment, documents and personnel. 3/4 Cav blocks on south vicinity XT550180. 3/4 Cav Plat captured 5 VCS vic XT549182, 110857 June 66. 110930 June 66, received information from local Vietnamese that woman wounded by artillery fires died of wounds in Saigon Hospital. S-5 and interpreter assisted, and B Btry donated money and foodstuffs and offered their apologies to the family. Assistance was given to insure claims from the family would be handled promptly by the District Chief (Trang Bang District). 111033 June 66, A 2/14 received 10 rounds sniper fire from XT550187. A 2/14 returned fire and VC moved north east. A 2/14 captured 5BCC XT530183 111215 June 66. A 2/14 received sniper fire from XT548188 111352 June 66. A 2/14 returned fire, VC silenced. A 2/14 destroyed 1 tunnel XT547194 111450 June 66. 3/4 Cav at 111550 June 66 reported sniper fire XT533188 WIA 1 US in chest. Man air evacuated by C&C ship to CU CHI. 3 VCC and 2 VCS captured by 3/4 Cav Plat 111220 June 66 vic XT545190. 3/4 Cav Plat captured 6 VCS 110857 June 666. At XT549188 A 2/14 found carbine magazine w/30 rounds ammo vic XT547183 and turned equip in to MID Bn base 111715 June 66. C 2/14 found 1 home made single shot rifle XT520208 111717 June 66. C 2/14 reported VC Chicom claymore set off vic XT518201 at 112120 June 66 no casualties reported. TF 2/14 dispatched 4 patrols 112000 June 66. Short range radar sighted 11 man target vic XT528201. Target taken under fire with small arms 112315 June 66 and target disappeared.
(Operation Fargo 12 Jun 66)
Operation FARGO reported on feeder report to 1st Bde 29 June 1966 covered period 120400 June 66 - 121500 June 66. 1 Plat A 2/14 returned CU CHI 121515 June 66. B 2/14 closed Bn base 121700 June 66. A 2/14 employed 2 plat size ambushes vic XT525213 and XT530196 121830 June 66. VC set off one Chicom claymore vic XT513196 at 122014 June 66. 1 US WIA. Radar reported target at vic XT122304 June 66. Small arms and M79 fired results unknown. [More about Operation Fargo...]
(13 June 66)
TF 2/14 conducts S&D operations vic AP AN PHU following Frag order #8. 130400 June 66, C 2/14 moved on foot to block objective area from the south and east with 12 (4 man) picket stations from XT515175 to XT515163 to XT512161. Local PF and RF forces blocked on North and West vic XT512186 and XT495172 by 130630 June 66. B 2/14 with 3/4 Cav Plat and Civic Action teams attached conducted S&D from North to South in AP AN PHU (XT505169) 130545 June 66. 130635 June 66 all picket stations in positions and C 2/14 captured 1 VCS at station #1 (XT515175) and 20 VCS at station #5 (XT516170). S&A Plat captured chicom claymore mine vic XT515198 turned in to Bde. B 2/14 reported sniper fires w/rifle grenades vic XT507174. VC withdrew South. C 2/14 received sniper and rifle grenade fires vic XT516164. C 2/14 returned fire and VC silenced. B 2/14 131000 June 66 reported 5 VC with weapons (1 submachine gun, 1 automatic rifle, 3 rifles) vic XT506176. VC fired upon by stay behind ambush wounding 2 VC. No friendly casualties. B 2/14 captured 1 VCS vic XT505161 131304 June 66. B 2/14 received sniper fire from vic XT505165 131455 June 66. VC silenced with small arms. S&A Plat reported 1 VC w/camouflage vic XT512195. VC moved west when fired upon with M79. 131645 June 66, 2 rounds of 60mm mortar landed vic B 7/11 Arty. No casualties reported. All TF 2/14 elements closed Bn base 131740 June 66. TF 2/14 dispatched 4 ambush patrols 132000 June 66. 132100 June 66, VC claymore mine set off vic XT514196. 1 US WIA. All patrols closed 140615 June 66 with negative results. B 2/14 discovered VC claymore mine forward of position vic XT514196 at 140740 June 66.
(14 June 66)
TF 2/14 conducted (Frag order #9) civic action and helping hand operations vic XT530195 (AP TRANG DAU) (1). C 2/14 moved on foot to block from North and East vic XT535201, XT539198 at 140830 June 66. 3/4 Cav moved from Bn base 140945 June 66 to block obj from West vic XT530196. B 2/14 with civic action teams attached moved from XT534184 North to XT532199. Objective area was without people except approximately 20 old ladies and old men and about 50 children that followed B 2/14 into obj area. TF 2/14 elements closed Bn base 141355 June 66. TF 2/14 141940 June 66 dispatched 4 ambush patrols. Radar (PPS-5) reported Plat VC (20-25 men) vic XT522199 at 142250 June 66. VC element taken under fire with small arms and direct fire from 2 tanks w/cannister rounds in conjunction with azimuth reading from radar. Radar reports after firing only 8 persons moving. Estimate 15 VC KIA or WIA 142330 June 66. All patrols closed Bn base 150615 June 66 with negative contact.
(15 June 66)
TF 2/14 executed (Frag order #10) S&D mission vic XT502206, B 2/14 moved by foot to establish 10 picket stations on North and East end of obj area from XT500216 to XT510216 to XT508218 at 150400 June 66. PD and RF elements blocked obj area from West from XT498216 to XT495208 at 140630 June 66. S&A Plat was reaction force at XT510217 150630 June 66. C 2/14 with 3/4 Cav Plat attached S&D from South to North (XT500205 to XT504213) beginning 150630 June 66. 150750 June 66, S&A Plat received sniper fire and rifle grenades XT508218 returned fire and VC withdrew North. C 2/14 discovered tunnel complex XT506512 at 151019 June 66. Tunnel complex destroyed with demolitions by C 2/14 151545 June 66. All elements closed Bn base 151615 June 66. TF 2/14 dispatched 4 ambush patrols at 152000 June 66. One patrol returned to Bn base reported hearing many VC XT519217. Artillery fired in location: results unknown. 142145 June 66 1 60mm mortar landed in Bn base, one 2 1/4 ton trk slightly damaged. No casualties reported. C 2/14 received sniper fire XT514197. Artillery directed fire in vic VC positions silencing VC fire. All patrols closed Bn base 160607 June 66. VC constructed small dirt mounds on Hi-way #1 vic XT525186: reported by air recon element 160720 June 66. TG 2/14 airlanded one squad of Recon Plat attached, moved mounted from West to East on both sides of Hi-Way #1 to cut off any VC in area. Road block was cleared and traffic continued 160845 June 66. National Police found 155 shell wired for command detonation on East end of road block XT528184. Mine destroyed in place by National Police.
(16 June 66)
TF 2/14 conducts (Frag order #11) armed reconnaissance in XA ONG DAM (XT535231), and XA BAO TRAM (XT500235) 160955 June 66. C 2/14 moved by foot to XT500235 160730 to conduct armed reconnaissance of obj area. C 2/14 captured 1 VCS vic XT510226 160955 June 66. C 2/14 discovered 2500 lbs of rice cache buried in cemetery XT506226 at 161035 June 66. Rice burned and spread into water. B 2/14 moved by foot to conduct armed reconnaissance vic AP ONG DAM (XT520230) 150850 June 66. B 2/14 received sniper fires 161125 June 66 from XT516199. B 2/14 returned fire and VC withdrew Northwest. 3/4 Cav moved from Bn base 161100 June 66 to conduct armed reconnaissance vic XA ONG DAM (XT535231), 3/4 Cav Plat reported suspected mortar position XT525232 recently occupied in freshly dug ground. 3/4 Cav reported locating an attachment (grenade launcher) for a carbine and a home made gun at XT525232. C 2/14 captured 2 VCS at XT500230 at 161303 June 66. B 2/14 sighted 4 BC with weapons at XT519238, and 3 VC with weapons at XT523241. 161310 June 66, the VC moved north into wooded area. TF 2/14 dispatched 3 ambush patrols at 162000 June 66. C 2/14 reported red and white lights flashing vic XT521203 162130 June 66. Lights taken under fire with 81mm mortar, 4.2 mortar, and 155 artillery from Cu Chi. Lights disappeared. All patrols closed Bn base 170645 June 66 with negative results. 170716 June 66 S&A Plat cleared road to Hi-way #1.
(17 June 66)
TF 2/14 conducted (Frag order #12) daylight ambushes vic XT530203 and XT515214 with negative results. TF 2/14 conducted mine clearing and S&D operations vic XT515208 (AP AN THOI) with the Recon Plat. Recon Plat found tunnel at XT514208 and destroyed same with demolitions at 170945 June 66. Recon Plat found 200 bags of rice, 50 lbs each bag, at XT510208. Rice was scattered over ground and into nearby wells. Recon Plat found 2 lbs medical supplies and 1 grenade XT515204 171055 June 66. B 2/14 reported a bomb at XT525186, yield unknown (estimated 250 lbs bomb). Bomb destroyed in place 171125 June 66. Recon Plat discovered tunnel system with 18 entrances vic XT518208 and destroyed it in place 171345 June 66. C 2/14 captured 1 VCS and 1 VCC vicinity XT525213 at 171935 June 66. TF 2/14 dispatched 4 ambush patrols with negative results. All patrols closed Bn base 180543 June 66. TF 2/14 moved Recon Plat, mounted on 3/4 Cav elements, to clear mounds of dirt across Hi-way #1 at XT522187 and XT542178 - at 180650 June 66. 1st location of dirt mounds cleared 180722 June 66. 2nd location of dirt mounds was cleared with mine detector and flanks checked for command detonated wires. All signs of mines or booby traps were investigated and believed cleared. A detail shoveled dirt off to the side of road, a shovel of dirt set off a mine wounding 7 US soldiers at XT538180 180749 June 66. All wounded evacuated by air to Cu Chi. 2nd mounded area cleared 180858 June 66.
(18 June 66)
TF 2/14 conducted (Frag order #13) pacification, civic action and MEDCAP vic AP TINH PHONG (XT536218) 181148 June 66. C 2/14 blocked on North from XT535213 to XT530210, 3/4 Cav blocked East end of obj vic XT541212 with Recon Plat and S&A blocking South vic XT535206 and XT540207. B 2/14 moved on foot with civic action teams and conducted civ actions with Vietnamese Information Service Personnel presenting speeches. Prepared leaflets (3,000) preceded the movement of B 2/14 by air drops into obj area. B 2/14 moved from West to East through obj area 181230 June 66. B 2/14 secured LZ, and MEDCAP personnel landed and conducted MEDCAP vic XT539209 at 181430 June 66. All elements closed in Bn base 181630 June 66. 1 US soldier wounded seriously by friendly artillery WP round vic Bn base (XT518198) at 181730 June 66. Man air evacuated to Cu Chi. TF 2/14 dispatched 4 ambush patrols 182000 June 66. All patrols closed Bn base 190555 June 66, with negative results. S&A Plat cleared road to Hi-way #1 190728 June 66.
(19 June 66)
TF 2/14 conducted (Frag order #14) S&D in XA LAM VO (2) XT550220 with 3/4 Cav Plat blocking from South vic XT551218 and B 2/14 S&D from XT540230 to XT550110 at 190830 June 66. 3/4 Cav Plat destroyed a command detonated 105 arty shell mine vic XT526227 at 190905 June 66, leaflets air dropped in obj area 191015 June 66. B 2/14 had 5 WIA from VC small arms and rifle grenade vic XT514223 at 191227 June 66. B 2/14 maneuvered and returned fire. VC withdrew to Southeast. All elements closed Bn base 191510 June 66. TF 2/14 dispatched 3 ambush patrols 191930 June 66, with negative results.
(20 June 66)
TF 2/14 conducted (Frag order #15) fire flush and S&D operation vic AP LONG MUC (XT527246) 200300 June 66. B 2/14 and C 2/14 blocked south of obj area vic XT52238? and XT526238 at 200611 June 66. B 2/14 made contact with 1 VC vic XT524240. VC moved West. B 2/14 reported freshly dug holes vic XT524241 at 200700 June 66. Recon Plat cleared road to Hi-way #1 at 200720 June 66. Artillery fired from North to South towards B 2/14 and C 2/14. Artillery continued firing from South to North while troops moved North 200630 June 66. S&A Plat with 3/4 Cav Plat attached as reaction force vic XT528238, received sniper fire from XT525237. Fire was returned and VC moved West. All elements closed Bn base 201237 June 66. TF 2/14 dispatched 4 ambush sites at 202000 June 66. B 2/14 ambush patrol was ambushed by 5 VC with auto wpns. Patrol returned fire and broke contact XT529195 at 202015 June 66 and continued mission. No casualties reported for VC or friendly troops. B 7/11 Arty sighted 3 people 210102 June 66 with starlight device vic XT525199. M79 fired at target and target disappeared. B 2/14 moved to Hi-way #1 on North side from XT518190 to XT527186, at 210400 June 66, to prevent VC from setting road block on Hi-Way #1. Recon Plat cleared road from Bn base to Hi-way #1 210615 June 66. B 2/14 210640 June 66 reported 2 VCS vic XT520192 moving East. All ambush elements closed Bn base 210720 June 66.
(21 June 66)
TF 2/14 conducted search and Civic Action in AP AN PHU (XT510168) at 210730 June 66. (Frag order #16). S&A elements blocked on South vic XT511161 and XT515161 and 3/4 Cav Plat blocked on West and positioned themselves as reaction force at XT518174 at 210800 June 66. 7,000 leaflets were airdropped prior to opns. S&A Plat received sniper fires 210830 June 66 at XT520161. One medic wounded from S&A Plat air evacuated to Cu Chi. Artillery was fired at XT518161 and silenced VC snipers. Artillery killed two water buffalo. B 2/14 and C 2/14 moved (East to West) and moved all civilians to a central location so District Chief could conduct speeches and explain the leaflets. The reception was good, and through the entire operation the District Chief spoke to approximately 385 people. Bn base received sniper fires from XT515198. B 2/14 returned fire with small arms and mortar fire. VC silenced. B 2/14 received sniper fire vic XT514284 at 211840. B 2/14 returned fire with small arms and 60mm mortar. Results unknown. All elements closed Bn base 211930 June 66. TF 2/14 dispatched 4 ambush patrols 211930 June 66 with negative results. C 2/14 moved from Bn base 220400 June 66 to secure Hi-way #1 from XT527186 to XT516190. No contact and no road blocks encountered. All elements of ambush patrol and road security closed Bn base at 220840 June 66.
(22 June 66)
TF 2/14 conducted (Frag order #18) Security and ARVN element assisted in construction of FR outpost XT495295. Heavy equipment was utilized (dozer, bucket loader, 5 ton trk, Engr sqd and civilian laborers) to build outpost. C 2/14 received sniper fire from XT495208 at 231152 June 66. Returned fire and VC moved North. Recon Plat found 10 bags of rice, 25 lbs per bag, at XT518216; returned rice to Bn base. All elements closed Bn base at 231811 June 66. TF 2/14 dispatched 2 ambush patrols and 3 listening post to secure Hi-way #1 from road blocks. No contact made and no road blocks on Hi-way #1 as of 240845 June 66.
(24 June 66)
TF 2/14 conducted (Frag order #19) Search and Civic Actions operation in AP AN PHU (XT510160) at 240730 June 66 with B 2/14, 3/4 Cav Plat and attachments from Tran Gang District Chief. B 2/14 moved into obj area clearing area and securing the District Chief as he conducted speeches to people. 7,000 leaflets were airdropped for a 20 minute period prior to arrival of district chief. 3/4 Cav Plat received sniper fire from XT538177 at 240845 June 66. Returned fire and silenced VC. One Plat, C 2/14, moved on foot to XT495205 to secure outpost construction at 240807 June 66. B 2/14 received sniper fire at XT513168 241115 June 66 - one US soldier KIA. District Chief spoke to 472 people in obj area. A large percentage were adult males (approximately 25%). 35 persons received MEDCAP treatment and 42 families received helping hand materials. All elements, TF 2/14, closed Bn base 241743 June 66. TF 2/14 established 2 ambush sites and 3 listening posts 242000 June 66. Recon Plat cleared road to Hi-way #1 240633 June 66. All ambush patrols closed Bn base 240720 June 66 with negative contact and no road blocks reported.
(25 June 66)
TF 2/14 conducted (Frag order #20) security for outpost construction (XT495205) and Search and Stay behind ambush vic XT520213. B 2/14 moved one Plat by foot to secure outpost construction site at 240700 June 66. Same element returned to Bn base 240945 June 66 because equipment was unable to move in muddy area. B 2/14 moved one Plat from Bn base to XT520213 at 240800 June 66. No contacts made and all elements closed Bn base 241812 June 66. TF 2/14 dispatched 2 ambush patrols and 3 listening posts to secure hi-way #1 at 252000 June 66. C 2/14 captured 1 VCS vic XT522189 at 252205 June 66. All patrols closed Bn base 260630 June 66 - with negative results except 1 captured VCS turned over to MID at Bn base.
(26 June 66)
TF 2/14 conducted (Frag order #21) heliborne opns vic AP LONG MUC (XT530248) and AP TRUONG GIAI (XT515247) 260830 June 66. S&A Plat cleared road 260700 & secured LZ vic XT519197 at 260815 June 66. B 2/14 and C 2/14 airlifted in two lifts into non-prepared LZ at XT532247 at 260830 June 66. B 2/14 and C 2/14 moved east to west 260900 June 66. C 2/14 received sniper fire vic XT520243. Returned fire and moved forward. VC fires silenced. C 2/14 & Recon Plat closed Bn base at 261520 June 66. B 2/14 with 3/4 Cav Plat attached remained vic XT525248, oriented north for stay behind ambush. 261708 June 66 two tanks damaged by antitank mine vic XT516193, no injuries reported and one tank able to move without assistance. TF 2/14 dispatched 3 ambush sites to secure Hi-way #1. C 2/14 ambush patrol reported 270620 June 66 2 mounds of dirt vic XT511189. Mounds cleared and all patrols closed Bn base 270753 June 66. S&A Plat cleared road to Hi-way #1 270801 June 66.
(27 June 66)
TF 2/14 conducted (Frag order #22) S&D missions with B 2/14 and 3/4 Cav Plat, leaving stay behind ambushes 270800 at XT525243, XT525237, XT525321, XT530218, and XT525210. B 2/14 received sniper fire from XT523237. Returned fire and silenced VC. B 2/14 received sniper fire from XT518252 and directed artillery fire on VC and silenced VC. B 2/14 reported 1 US soldier KIA [PSG Ed Paresa] by anti-personnel mine 270955 June 66 at XT525237. Search of area revealed 2 grenade booby traps which were destroyed in place. Fresh punji pits covered with fresh banana leaves in same location reported by B 2/14 at 271100 June 66. A 2/14 and C 2/14 exchanged positions from Cu Chi effective 271300 June 66. TF 2/14 ambush patrol received 4 rounds sniper fire vic XT515293. Patrol returned fire with negative casualties reported. Patrols returned to Bn base with negative contact and no road blocks reported at 280710 June 66.
(28 June 66)
TF 2/14 conducted (Frag order #23) heliborne operations and initiated civic actions vic AP LONG MUC (XT525245), AP TRUONG GIAI (XT515246), AP BOA ME (XT510226) at 280300 June 66. B 2/14 moved on foot to block with picket stations west side of 1st obj from XT520249 to XT520240 - at 280715 June 66. A 2/14 airlifted to LZ (XT525251) 280705 June 66. 3/4 Cav positioned vic XT530246 at 280900 June 66. A 2/14 moved from North to South without contact. S&A Plat reported road to Hi-way #1 cleared 280915 June 66. 3/4 Cav reported 2 VCS captured vic of command detonated mine (XT540239) at 281050 June 66. Obj area received 10,000 leaflets prior to operation via air drop. B 2/14 received rifle grenade fire from XT511210 at 281620 June 66. B 2/14 returned fire and maneuvered. VC escaped in trench line moving south east. All elements closed Bn base 281748 June 66. TF 2/14 dispatched 3 ambush patrols and 3 listening post. Ambush site at XT536180 fired upon a VC ambush site that had initiated fire on a ARVN ambush patrol. ARVN patrol was caught between friendly and VC fires. Results 1 KIA and 1 WIA (ARVN). US patrol relocated, and District Chief assisted in returning WIA and KIA to hospital at Trang Bang. S&A Plat cleared road to Hi-way #1 290815 June 66. Patrol closed Bn base at 290730 June 66. District Chief transported to LOC HUNG to register and handle relocation of 236 families that desired to move into his new life hamlet as a direct result of US operations in area.
(29 June 66)
TF 2/14 conducted (Frag order #24) search and destroy and daylight ambush vic AP AN THOI (XT519205). A 2/14 moved 291200 June 66 on foot to clear area of civilians. There were no people in the area. B 2/14 followed A 2/14 to obj area and passed through and returned to Bn base without contact at 291530 June 66. 3/4 Cav Plat sent to PHUOC HIEP (XT560170) 291700 June 66 to assist American Advisor and 30 ARVN ambushed with 4 KIA and 8 WIA (ARVN). TF 2/14 dispatched 3 ambush patrols and 3 listening post at 292030 June 66 with negative results. S&A Plat cleared road to Hi-way #1 300825 June 66.
(30 June 66)
TF 2/14 conducted night firing proficiency training vic Bn base, following training circular 350-12 HQS 2d Bn, 14th Inf dtd 13 June 66, beginning 301330 June 66. Night firing phase from 301930 June 66 to 302330 June 66. 302000 June 66, TF 2/14 dispatched 3 ambush sites and 3 listening post with negative results. All patrols returned Bn base 010650. 010750 July 66 S&A Plat reports road to Hi-way #1 cleared.
(01 July 66)
TF 2/14 conducted (Frag order #25). Stay behind ambush positions during daylight for instruction and actual emplacement. B 2/14 moved by foot to obj area vic XT520214. B 2/14 captured 5 VCS at XT518217 010950 July 66. A 2/14 in heliborne mission on 30 minute notice. S&A Plat secured LZ 011100 July 66. A 2/14 picked up at LZ in two (2) lifts to secure west end of road at blocking positions at XT580195 and XT566173 for 1/5 mech move at 011125 July 66. A 2/14 completed lift to LZ 011155 July 66. A 2/14 picked up by 3/4 Cav Plat and returned Bn base 011610 July 66. TF 2/14 dispatched 3 ambush patrols 011935 July 66 with negative results. All patrols closed Bn base 020650 July 66.
(02 July 66)
TF 2/14 conducted (Frag order #26) heliborne operations with RF and PF forces and conducted S&D operations AP AN PHU (XT505170) 020700 July 66. PF and RF blocked on north west and east vicinity XT495172, XT500180 and XT524173 at 020700 July 66. 3/4 Cav Plat blocked on north vic XT512187 at 020645 July 66. A 2/14, B 2/14 and District Chief with troops landed at LZ 020700 July 66. PF Forces reported 2 VC fired on them 020651 July 66 at XT495175. Fire was returned & VC moved south. 3/4 Cav Plat reported sniper fire from XT508180 at 020705 July 66. 3/4 Cav returned fire and silenced VC. Villagers remained in homes and in their fields. Only few families evacuated (10%). Villagers spoke freely to District Chief and interpreters about VC. Villagers pointed out area that VC put booby trap grenades and possible mines. B 2/14 reported 3 grenade booby traps in hedgerow where villagers pointed out to District Chief (XT505417). US Advisor with RF force reported 7 draft dodgers caught vic XT524174 at 020849 July 66. B 2/14 received one rifle grenade XT505175. Returned fire and results are unknown. S0-3 found 105mm (HE) command detonated mine vic XT509179 and destroyed it in place. 100 meters of wire turned over to District Chief. B 2/14 stay behind ambush vic XT503163 engaged 5 VC with weapons. 1 VC KIA (BC) 2 VC KIA (poss). VC body had pistol belt w/black PJ's: no weapon found. VC had returned fire and either crawled away or were dragged away. Area was searched and no weapons were found. 3/4 Cav Plat hit one mine and damaged one track XT514181. Three more anti tank mines found and destroyed in place (same area). All elements closed Bn base 021430 July 66. B 2/14 returned by air to Cu Chi 021700 July 66. TF 2/14 dispatched 3 ambush sites 021945 July 66 - with negative results. A 2/14 reported 3 VC XT517196, taken under small arms fire and mortar fire at 022030 July 66, VC moved North.
(3 July 66)
TF 2/14 coordinated movement of wire, pickets, sandbags and timber to Trang Bang District Chief. All elements closed Cu Chi 031835 July 66.
12. Results:
VC KIA (BC) 12 Mine AP 1 VC KIA (poss) 21 Mine AT 11 VCC 8 Other: (bomb unk. origin) 1 VCS 36 Rice (lbs) 2400 Detainees 24 Salt (lbs) 24 Rifle (.98 Mauser) 1 Buildings 12 Home made weapon 1 Tunnels 6 Claymore 4 Uniforms (fatigue pants) 1 Grenade Launcher Adapter 1 Civilian clothing (lbs) 9 Magazines (unk. origin) 2 Medical supplies (lbs) 9 Ammo (small arms, rds) 775 Farm prod. (tobacco, lbs) 1 Mortar shells (60mm) 13 Facilities (1st aid stat) 1 Grenade 17 Booby Trap 5 FRIENDLY LOSSES
KIA 6 Dozer 1 Damaged and repaired Tanks 3 Damaged and repaired APC 1 Destroyed 1/4 ton jeep 1 Destroyed
13. Administrative Matters:
a. Supply.
(1) Class I - C ration were used for 2 meals per day and A ration for supper meal.
(2) Class III - POL was provided by two 1200 gallon tankers. One was filled with gasoline and the other diesel fuel.
(3) Class IV - A large amount of barrier materials were sent to the field to support the forward Bn base camp.
(4) Class V - A small ASP was maintained in the field to take care of emergency needs.
(5) Water - Water was initially a great problem. It is impossible to support 4 field messes by flying water in jugs on a helicopter. All battalions moving to the field for an extended period should have a 5000 gallon tanker or an engineer water point attached.
b. Maintenance. Vehicular maintenance was supported by a 2d echelon contact team along with a wrecker. When an armor element is attached they should also provide a mechanic. Maintenance of M16 rifles was difficult because of critical shortage of cleaning rods.
c. Treatment of casualties and evacuation and hospitalization:
A battalion aid station was located in the forward base camp. Casualties were evacuated to this point if they occurred close to base camp. If not, they were taken by helicopter to the 25th Medical Bn at Cu Chi. Some of the minor casualties were able to be treated at the aid station and returned to duty. Others were evacuated by air to Cu Chi.
d. Transportation. Transportation for resupply and troop movement was provided by UH1D helicopters and medium trucks. A daily resupply by helicopter was effected. Every few days a land convoy was sent to resupply bulk items such as POL, water, barrier materials and PX supplies. All road convoys were protected by armed escorts.
e. Communications. FM radio communication was excellent throughout the conduct of the operation. UHF worked 99% of the time and provided positive communications to Bde. AM/RTT was slow due to a large volume of traffic. The 16th RRU provided an excellent monitor system to police our own FM communications.
14. Special Equipment and Techniques:
a. Starlight devices and sniperscope sights were taken by combat elements and effectively utilized by patrols and elements defending the Bn perimeter.
b. Dozer and tank dozers were utilized to dig bunkers, build berms, and clear fields of fire for the perimeter.
c. Vietnamese from local areas (soldiers) were provided by District Chief to assist ambush patrols in identifying VC and guiding patrols at night into farmers homes for ambush sites from homes.
d. Establishment of a "Kiddie Korner" coordinating point. A location centrally located where signs pointed out where sales people can assemble to sell. All other areas surrounding Bn base (within 500 meters) was off limits by posted Vietnamese signs. This coordinating point allowed sales people and children to come and pass on information of VC in area or any intelligence information available. A Bn representative who spoke Vietnamese was in this location to pass out C rations and candy and receive information. It did assist in control of people and some intelligence information was received from children.
e. The utilization of "Picket Stations" with a strong mobile reaction force enabled the TF to cover area with fire and observation to block and restrict VC attempts at escaping. The "Picket Stations" consist of small elements (4-6 men) that are spaced to block with observation and fire over an extended area. These stations checked villagers attempting to leave the area and encouraged them to return to their homes. The picket station exemplifies the principle of economy of force, and the reaction force the principle of mass and surprise, allowing the commander to develop a situation. The key to the employment of the "Picket Station" is knowing the enemy situation and having excellent communications. The utilization of picket stations provided excellent results in observing the VC killing the VC, and turning back or controlling villagers. Previously the VC just disappeared through routes in areas not covered. "Picket Stations" enabled us to cover and block off an objective area more effectively.
15. Commander's Analysis:
a. An infantry Bn reinforced with a mechanized element can conduct pacification operations for long periods effectively; especially if coordination can be effected between government representatives and the Bn Task Force Commander.
b. Operation FORT SMITH can be considered a success, in that the areas in which operations were conducted were part of an overall plan to pacify the Trang Bang District. The District Chief must be complimented for his professional competency, his personal courage, and his prompt response to suggestions. He assisted the TF 2/14th Inf in its operations completely and was a reliable ally in combat operations. The relations established with the District Chief Trang Bang District were established through the American Advisory personnel and the Commander and Staff of the TF 2/14th Inf. There was complete trust and understanding between the District Chief and the TF Commander. This was due to two members of the TF 2/14th Inf staff being able to speak Vietnamese at daily coordination meetings with the District Chief. These meetings were brief and allowed for maximum flow of information to one another.
c. Coordination meetings with the District Chief gave a complete current picture of the local enemy and friendly situations; and the freedom of action given the Battalion Commander allowed him to react to situations in the area of operations without restrictions.
d. Pacification operations can be accomplished with greater success over a minimum of four weeks in AO. The Vietnamese should initiate the pacification actions and we support it.
16. Recommendations:
a. That engineer support with a dozer be attached to any Bn TF conducting area pacification missions. This machinery enables TF to work on defensive construction and road networks for internal defenses rapidly. It also enables the TF to build and repair local installations and improve or build road networks important to the Vietnamese people.
b. That armored infantry or mechanized elements be attached to any Bn TF on area pacification missions. This attachment allows the TF greater flexibility and gives the TF a quick reaction force.
C. That liaison be established through US Advisors to appropriate Vietnamese representatives to enable coordination meetings in the early stages of the operation and through the entire period of the pacification operation.
Civic Action Report Captain, Infantry
Civic Action Report (Combat After Action Report Opn FORT SMITH dtd 3 June 3 July 1966)
No of
Trips Description Area3 Medcap & Helping Hand Ap An Phu XT514190
2 Medcap & Helping Hand Xa Cay Chua XT505193
1 Medcap & Helping Hand An Duc XT532181
1 Medcap & Helping Hand Lorraine XT478488
1 Medcap & Helping Hand Ap An Phu XT506169
1 Medcap & Helping Hand An Tinh XT53210
1 Road Construction 450 meters XA Cau Chua XT508213
3 RF Outpost Construction X Loc Du XT494205
Narrative Description of Projects:
1. Nine visits were made to six villages in the Trang Bang District to conduct Helping Hand and Medcap during Operation FORT SMITH, 3 June 66 to 3 July 66. In addition to Medcap and Helping Hand and other civic action progects and services were undertaken. Total Civic Action results for operation FORT SMITH are as follows:
Visits to Village 9
Medcap patients treated 904
People receiving helping
hand items 2,205
Chewing gum 650 sticks
Cigarettes 430
Can openers (P-38) 50
Sugar 200 lbs
Wheat 80 lbs
Rice 210 lbs
Toothbrushes 425
Toothpaste 425 tubes
Soap 1,455 bars
Cans of Food 1,652
Toys 1,185 items
Candy 140 bars
Clothing 1,533 lbs
Cans of Milk 1,104
Propaganda leaflets 17,950
Road Construction 450 m completed
Outpost Construction 1 - 35% completed
Relocated Families 238
Political Indoctrinees 851
Damage Claims processed 1
1. As stated in weekly reports for operation FORT SMITH pacification should be in every operation where the tactical situation and terrain permit.
2. Medcap, Helping Hand, and Propaganda leaflets contributed immensely to counter-acting VC propaganda and instructions, winning friends, and instilling faith and trust in the Vietnamese government and the American Soldier.
3. Civic Action wherever possible warrants the full support of every individual. Many soldiers have skepticism toward Civic Action and an orientation program should be conducted to educate the individual soldier in the area of Civic Action operations.
4. Recommendations:
a. Visit to a village should not exceed 2 hrs. After 2 hrs people become impatient and unmanageable.
b. Minimum support for a Civic Action operation should be 3 APC's and 25-30 riflemen to secure and control people where medcap team is located.
c. District Chief and/or American Advisor consulted for recommendation as to what area should have priorities for civic action.
Operation Fort Smith: After Action Report 3-Jun-66 / 3-Jul-66
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: January 20, 2020